by Nick Bilton
The author, a technology reporter for the New York Times, shows the ways
in which media have changed due to technology and how in turn this
change shapes consumers’ expectations of how media are consumed. He
argues against the Luddite claims that short-form, rapid-fire media
“bytes” are destroying our brains (though he allows that our brains are
changing due to how we use technology). He also argues that despite the
radical nature of recent change, and the ability to acquire vast
amounts of specialized and personalized information free, consumers
still value the same things they always have – quality and a good
experience – and are willing to pay for them.
The book is hardly
awe-inspiring prescience, just a solid grounding in the tech world and
an eagerness to accept innovation. In fact, Bilton’s a bit of a naïve
Polyanna on some issues, saying for example that “Facebook was trying to
create a better experience for its users” in sharing users’ information
(not, you know, trying to generate revenue?); or in defending video
games, saying that consumers “will most likely play games as much as
they read” – uh, no, certainly not. In fact, the very real issue is not
that video games are somehow warping our brains by their very
existence, but that they replace more in-depth and active mental
stimulation such as reading and debating. Bilton makes good points
about the editor’s job being the same whether it’s curating a
broadsheet, a newspaper, or a blog, and the emerging role of the
consumer as co-creator of the media, who values a specialized experience
more than plain content. This information is useful and provides clues
as to how the next generation of media might be used. But throughout
the book, Bilton sidesteps his ideological opponents’ actual claims, by
dismissing studies of violence and video games as “preconceived
notions,” and more or less ignoring the speed, ubiquity and depth of
change in consumers’ attention spans, which are the real points of
concern. In short, yes, Bilton’s world, in which everyone games,
tweets, blogs, chats, and reads weighty tomes with equal abandon, is a
tech utopia – but it’s not the real world.
three stars
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